Sun Trip , Sun Trip: the world on solar bikes!
Organization News

Vincent Lauga: “The idea of participating is finally taking shape…”.

13.11.2023 - The Sun Trip
The Sun Trip The Sun Trip
Vincent will be taking part in the Sun Trip for the first time next year, as part of the Destination Sahara epic! With several thousand kilometres on the clock, he’s taking on this new challenge in the ‘backpacker’ category, with the ambition of completing it 100% solar-powered. We wish him every success and a rich adventure. Read his interview below.
1 – How did you hear about the Sun Trip?
I discovered the Sun Trip when I was living in Lyon, where I happened to meet a group of competitors who were getting together for the start… heading for Canton, in 2018!
I was very impressed by this challenge: an incredible sporting, technical and innovative adventure… that helped to promote cycle travel, a real adventure of the kind I love and one that made me dream.
Having travelled by bike with my family for more than 10 years across Europe during the holidays, and being passionate about technology, the idea of taking part in this challenge stayed in my head for a long time before it became a reality…2 – What do you consider to be the greatest moment in the history of the Sun Trip?
The great European crossings (all the way to Asia, which is quite a change of scenery), particularly Lyon – Canton, or all the way to Kazakhstan in 2013…3 – Why are you interested in the 2024 edition?
First of all, the period of the 2024 edition corresponds to my availability. And the idea of leaving the continent of Europe to reach the Sahara desert is a particularly motivating goal.

4 – What is your experience of adventure cycling?
Several thousand kilometres across Europe with my family (“Trans Europ Expé”!) + a crossing of South Korea.

5 – What about your solar bike?
A year ago, I bought a recumbent trike with electric assistance, which I fitted with a solar panel, inspired by the Sun Trip bikes (I helped a competitor prepare his bike for the ST2021).
I’m currently in the process of optimising it (increasing the surface area of the solar panels, adding a trailer, making it more reliable, etc.) to increase my chances of successfully completing this fabulous challenge.

6 – What are your goals for 2024?
To complete the entire route, using solar power alone (if all goes well!)… but at a ‘backpacker’ pace, so that I can take the time to appreciate the landscapes, the countries I’ll be crossing and the people I’ll be meeting.


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