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Sun Trip Europe : video reports

14.09.2021 - The Sun Trip
The Sun Trip The Sun Trip

From mid-June to the beginning of August, watch a series of 7 videos to tell the story of the adventure and talk about Europe!

These videos are produced by our image team Sophie Planque and Jérémy Vaugeois, in partnership with the European Commission’s representation in France.

Episode #7 : A last one with Bernard Cauquil (Team Aktid). The 2015 champion finishes 3rd of this 2021 edition. He offers us a retrospective vision of the adventure, as a conclusion to the series proposed by Sophie Planque and Jérémy Vaugeois. Thank you!

Episode #6 : A connected Europe, that’s the reality experienced by the SunTrippers on this 2021 adventure. An episode mainly shot on the slopes of the Stelvio Pass in Italy, with Rafl Lewien, Jean-Marc Dubouloz, Géry & Baudouin (Team John Cockerill), Samuel & Baptiste (Team Urbasolar), Patrice & Jean-Louis.

Episode #5 : understanding Europe by riding a solar bike is a good idea, but it is far from being the only one! An episode shot between Romania, Bulgaria and Croatia, with Géry & Baudouin (Team John Cockerill), Sofia & Nicolas et Arnaud Roulland (Team Cyclable).

Episode #4 : a movie about our multicultural Europe, 100% shot in Romania, from the Carpathians to the Black Sea in Constanta. In the wheel of Arnaud Roulland (Team Cyclable), Michel Bertet, Sibylle & Daniel and Stéphane Bujadoux. When Europe transports you!

Episode #3 : an immersion into green Europe, to discover the greatness of Bialowieza primary forest in Poland and the Eurovelo route.

Episode #2 : follow the participants from Germany to Latvia. How easy it is to travel in Europe!

First act: the official departure in Brussels and the first adventure kilometres to Germany.

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