Sun Trip , Sun Trip: the world on solar bikes!
The Sun Trip The Solar Bike Adventure
Adventurers on solar bikes choosing their course through Eurasia. Inspired by unassisted yacht races around the world, the Sun Trip is writing a new page in the world of overland adventures.

The Sun Trip is a showcase for new forms of mobility. Each adventurer is an ambassador of solar energy and eco-mobility, proving their efficiency and their humanist dimension.
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Organization News

STE21 : daily news

14.09.2021 - The Sun Trip
The Sun Trip The Sun Trip

Because things happens every day on the Sun Trip route, here you will find a summary of the big and small news of the SunTrippers, the organisation moves and the arbitration committee decisions.

Day 78 – 01 September

15h30 : Arrival of Herman Segers from his great Sun Trip Europe.

Day 77 – 31 August

Nothing to declare.

Day 76 – August 30

Nothing to declare.

75th day – 29 August

Nothing to declare.

Day 74 – 28th August

17h : Arrival of Arnaud Negrier who finishes his great Sun Trip.

73rd day – August 27th

17h : Arrival of Dirk Huygues who finishes the big Sun Trip.

72nd day – August 26th

12h : Arrival of Patrice Plozner back from the big Sun Trip.

71st day – August 25th

Nothing to declare.

70th day – August 24th

Arrival of Silvia and Christophe (member of the Sun Trip Team) who were the guests of the Iberian part of the 2021 adventure.

Day 69 – 23rd August

Nothing to declare.

Day 68 – August 22

Nothing to declare.

67th day – 21 August

Nothing to declare.

66th day – 20 August

Nothing to declare.

DAY 65 – 19 August

Nothing to declare.

DAY 64 – 18 August

7.30pm : Arnaud Negrier passes the last checkpoint of the adventure, in Porto.

DAY 63 – 17 August

Nothing to declare.

DAY 62 – 16 August

12pm : Pirmin Bütler is the fift team at the arrival

4pm : Géry and Baudouin at the arrival. The only team to succeed in the great Sun Trip Europe loop!

DAY 61 – 15 August

4pm : Robert Lucas finishes his half Sun Trip.

DAY 60 – 14 August

8pm: Dirk Huyghe arrives in Porto.

DAY 59 – 13 August

6.30pm : Michel Bertet finishes his Sun Trip in Lyon, in fouth position!

2.30 pm : Patrice Plozner crosses the lighthouse in Porto.

DAY 58 – 12 August

Nothing to declare.

DAY 57 – 11 August

7.30pm: Sofia and Nicolas finish their half Sun Trip in Lyon. Only checkpoint missed: the stelvio.

4pm: Arnaud Negrier reaches the summit of Pico Veleta.

2.30 pm: Daniel and Sibylle finish their half Sun Trip in Lyon.

DAY 56 – 10th August

Nothing to declare.

DAY 55 – 9th August

3pm : Didier Vandenhove arrives in Lyon and finishes his half Sun Trip.

1pm : Robert lucas reaches Passo Stelvio

DAY 54 – 8th August

4pm : Dirk Huygue reaches the top of veleta.

9pm : Patrice reaches 2800m altitude step of veleta. He can not go higher because of the strong wind.

DAY 53 – 7th August

5:30pm : Jean-Louis and Stéphane finish their half sun trip in Lyon. Stéphane is the third participant to have completed this half race.

DAY 52 – 6th August

9:30pm : Pirmin, Gery and Baudouin (team John Cockerill) arrive in Porto.

DAY 51 – 5th August

Nothing to declare.

DAY 50 – 4th August

10.30am : Daniel & Sibylle announce that they will be cutting short their adventure for health reasons. Daniel is in pain from a recent operation. Decision taken in Barcelona, they are now heading to Lyon to be ranked in the half Sun Trip.

DAY 49 – August 3

10 am : Laurence and Christian decided to avoid the Stelvio pass. The jury decides to put the GPS beacon in grey on the map. They will end their adventure at home in Savoie, and not in Lyon.

1.15 pm : Christophe and Silvia reach the summit of Pico Veleta

5:30 pm : Michel Berter arrives in Porto, last stop before the finish line.

DAY 48 – August 2

7 pm : Didier Vandenhove (Team Enersol), on the top of Pico Veleta

12 pm : Géry & Baudouin (Team John Cockerill), together with Pirmin Butler, on the top of Pico Velelta.

10 am : conference in Barcelona, with the city and representation of european commission.

DAY 47- August 1

Dirk, Daniel and Sibylle are meeting in Barcelona for a welcome event co-organised with the city on Monday 2 August at 10am

DAY 46 – July 31

8:30 pm : Herman Segers arrives in Porto

1 pm : Stéphane Bujadoux and Jean-Louis Machado on the top ot Stelvio pass.

DAY 45 – July 30

Nothing to declare

DAY 44 – July 29

4 pm : Michel Bertet reaches the summit of Pico Veleta despite a fall caused by a strong wind at 2500m altitude. He was not injured but his solar panels were damaged.

DAY 43 – July 28

8 am : Frédéric Koch decides to give up, too many technical problems.

DAY 42 – July 27

6 pm: Herman Segers on the top of Pico Veleta (Spain).

DAY 41 – July 26

7 pm : Patrice Plozner at the top of the Stelvio pass (Italy).

DAY 40 – July 25

9 pm : Arnaud Roulland (Team Cyclable), at the top of the Stelvio pass (Italy). He stops the adventure here and goes straight home to Strasbourg.

6 pm : Arnaud Negrier at the top of the Stelvio pass (Italy), with a GPS beacon problem.

DAY 39 – July 24

3 pm : Sibylle & Daniel on the top of passo Stelvio (Italy).

1 pm : Ralf Lewien arrives in Lyon, he will be classifed on “Half Sun Trip” in 38 days.

DAY 38 – July 23

3.45 am : arrival for Bernard Cauquil (Team Aktid). He is third, in 37 days, 1 hour and 45 minutes.

14h : Dirk Huyghe on the top of passo Stelvio (Italy).

11h : Rafl Lewien informes organization that he will not mak the full Sun Trip Europe.

DAY 37 – July 22

Nothing to declare

DAY 36 – July 21

9 pm : Sofia & Nicolas reach the the checkpoint 2 of Constanta. No one else is coming.

7 pm (local time): Robert Lucas reaches the checkpoint 2 of Constanta, two days after his heavy fall.

6 pm: announcement of the divorce of the team “Patrice & Jean-Louis”. Each one pursues its road alone, Jean-Louis is now helped by Stéphane Bujadoux. The jury of the adventure sanctions Patrice Plozner of a yellow card, his GPS beacon is grayed until the end of the adventure and he will not be classified in the challenges of Sun Trip Europe. His behavior was judged not to be in conformity with the spirit of the Sun Trip.

DAY 35 – July 20

5 pm : Pirmin Butler on the top of Stelvio pass (Italia).

DAY 34 – July 19

9 pm : Patrick Abrams informes organization about technical problem. He can’t fixed it and he decided to give up! Only 23 adventurers left on the road.

8 pm : Emil Barbut arrives in Lyon ! He did an amazing ride accross Auvergne mountains. Less more than 3 hours, this is the smaller gap in between the first and the second in the Sun Trip history

4.45 pm : This is the winner arrival in Lyon ! Jean-Marc Dubouloz rode 11.000km in 33 days, 2 hours and 45 minutes!

4.30 pm : Robert Lucas had a crash in Harsova (Romania). He call emergency service. His injuries were treated at the hospital. He should be able to leave tomorrow or the next day.

4 pm : Ralf Leview, and a bit later Géry & Baudouin (Team John Cockerill), on the top of Stelvio pass (Italia).

DAY 33 – July 18

3 pm : Michel Bertet on on the top of Stelvio pass, the checkpoint 3, in Italia.He is actually in fifit position of the Sun Trip Europe solar challenge.

DAY 32 – July 17

11 am : Herman Segers on the top of Stelvio pass, the checkpoint 3, in Italia. He is actually in fourth position of the Sun Trip Europe solar challenge.

DAY 31 – July 16

4 pm : Didier Vandenhove (Team Enersol), at checkpoint 2 in Constanta.

DAY 30 – July 15

3 pm : Patrice & Jean-Louix, with Stéphane Bujadoux, at checkpoint 2 in Constanta.

9.30 am : Bernard Cauquil (Team Aktid) on the top of Pico Veleta, checkpoint #4

DAY 29- July 14

2 pm (Local time) : Emil Barbut at the Porto checkpoint.

10.30 am (Local time) : Jean-Marc Dubouloz in first position at the last checkpoint of the adventure in Porto (Portugal)

DAY 28- July 13

4 pm : Alessandra has to quit the adventure (professional reason). Pirmin will finish the adventure alone.

DAY 27 – July 12

6 pm : Dirk Huyghe leading alone the Innoviris Team. Kris decided to ride alone.

3 pm : first arrival in Lyon, in the “Half Sun Trip” category, with Samuel & Baptiste (Team Urbasolar).

DAY 26 – July 11

6 pm : Sibylle & Daniel, Dirk & Kris on checkpoint 2 in Constanta.

2 pm : The two leaders arrive TOGETHER on top of Pico Veleta (Spain), the checkpoint #4, the highest road in Europe! Jean-Marc should restard tomorrow with a short advantage, due to a gentlemen agreement between the leaders.

DAY 25 – July 10

1.30 pm : Arnaud Roulland (Team Cyclable), at checkpoint #2 in Constanta.

DAY 24 – July 9

8.30 pm : Arnaud Negrier at checkpoint #2 in Constanta.

8 pm : Frédéric Koch is stopped since 3 days in the south of Poland. It is waiting for the delivery of a new wheel.

5.30pm : Samuel and Baptiste (Team Urbasolar) on the top of Stelvio pass, the checkpoint 3.

4pm : Emil Barbut indicate that he has some technical issue. He need to stop to repair.

DAY 23 – July 8

Nothing to declare

DAY 22 – July 7

Checkpoint Constanta : Géry & Baudoin, then Alessandra & Pirmin arrive

DAY 21 – July 6

6 pm : Herman Segers arrives at checkpoint 2 in Constanta.

5.45 pm : Ralf Lewien arrives at checkpoint 2 in Constanta.

4 pm : Bernard Cauquil (Team Aktid) on the stop of Stelvio pass!

12 pm : Michel Bertet arrives at checkpoint 2 in Constanta.

DAY 20 – July 5

The leaders arrive in France, but still a long way to arrival…

DAY 19 July 4

12 pm : Jean-Marc Dubouloz at checkpoint 3, Stevio pass (Italy)

DAY 18 July 3

7 pm : Valerie Nerincx gives news on her health. Voir post.

5:55 pm: Emil Barbut reaches the summit of the Stelvio pass (Italy). A checkpoint placed at an altitude of 2757m.

11 am : Laurence and Christian Surugue are the last to reach the Checkpoint 1 in Riga!

8am: The organisation decides to change the colours of the participant points on the live map. In orange the participants charging their batteries 100% with solar energie. In blue, those who have completed the recharge with a electric charger.

DAY 17 – JULY 2

11am : Samuel and Baptiste (Team Urbasolar) at Checkpoint #2. Fourth position.

9 am : In agreement with the jury, the organisation decided not to impose the 6.30 hours break for the next participants arriving at the checkpoint in Constanta (Romania). Only the first 3 participants will have respected this break, to compensate for the stop time requested from Emil Barbut (press conference).

DAY 16 – JULY 1

5 pm : Robert Lucas at the checkpoint 1 in Riga

2 pm : Didier Vandenhove (Team Urbasolar) at checkpoint 1

9 pm: Sebastien Meyer says he can start again, after repairing his bike, but he says he cannot reach the checkpoint in Riga. The jury decides that he will be put out of the race on the map, but his beacon can remain active.

DAY 15 – JUNE 30

8 pm: Announcement of the withdrawal of Valerie and Bertrand. Following a fall yesterday in Lithuania, due to a car, Valerie was hospitalised today in Kaunas hospital. Her health condition requires monitoring and a few days of care. We will give more details later.

Riga checkpoint: Patrice and Jean-Louis pass through at 3.30pm, then Sofia and Nicolas at 8.30pm.

DAY 14 – JUNE 29

8.30 pm: Bernard Cauquil (Team Aktid), arrives in third position at the checkpoint Constanta. He will restart at 12pm tomorrow.

DAY 13 – JUNE 28

Riga checkpoint: 2 passages, with Frédéric Koch, then Sibylle & Daniel.

1pm: Jean-Marc Dubouloz joins checkpoint 2. He has to take a 6.5 hour break to compensate for Emil’s waiting time.

11am: Emil Barbut at a press conference in Constanta.

DAY 11 – 27 June

8.30 pm (local time): Emil Barbut reaches checkpoint #2 in Constanta (Romania). Over 4000 km in 11 days!

Riga checkpoint: 4 passes! Patrick Abrams, Dirk & Krix (Team Innoviris), Valérie & Bertrand, Arnaud Negrier!

DAY 11 – 26 June

7pm: Herman Segers breaks his frame. He spent most of the afternoon in a workshop in Riga to repair it.

5pm: Samuel and Baptiste (Team Urbasolar), on Belarusian television.

12.30pm : Emil Barbut passes in Romania in the lead, while Jean-Marc Dubouloz seems to have difficulties, for the first time of the trip. He has lost nearly 100 km today. No explanation given.

12pm: Arnaud Roulland (Team Cyclable), in his turn at checkpoint 1, in 9th position.

DAY 10 – June 25

9pm: Michel Bertet passes the Riga checkpoint.

13:30: Samuel and Baptiste (Team Urbasolar) enter Belarus. This is a first for the Sun Trip.

8am: Emil Barbut finally enters Ukraine first. Jean-Marc Dubouloz follows a few hours later.

DAY 9 – June 24

9 pm: the leaders inform the organisation of difficulties in entering Ukraine, for reasons not well understood at this stage. Jean-Marc Dubouloz is (at 10am) still between Polish and Ukrainian customs. He has permission to travel as soon as he is free, in order to find accommodation.

Riga checkpoint: 3 passages today, Géry and Baudouin, Alessandra and Pirmin, Rafl Lewien.

DAY 8 – June 23

9 pm :  Emil Barbut takes the lead, after a record day of more than 460km (record not verified). But the jury gives him a 30 minute penalty for being 10 minutes over the 9pm time limit. He will start later tomorrow.

11.35 am (local time): Samuel and Baptiste (Team Urbasolar), pass the checkpoint.

11 am: The police have found Herman’s bike, after a repair he is off again!

6 am: Herman Segers informs the organisation that his bike has been stolen in Poland.

DAY 7 – June 22

7.50 pm : Bernard Cauquil arrives at checpoint 1.

2.10 pm : Jean-Marc Dubouloz starts again. The other participants playing a place in the solar challenge will have to take a break of 12h30 (except time 9pm-6am).

12 pm: The two leaders are received by the Mayor of Riga and the European Commission representation in Latvia.

DAY 6 – June 21

6.10 pm : Emil Barbut arrives at checkpoint, 1h40 late. The two leaders are waiting for each other and will take a morning break tomorrow. The times are neutralised until media conference of June 22th 1pm.

4.30 pm (local time: Jean-Marc Dubouloz is the first to pass the Riga checkpoint. 2000 km in 5 days !

DAY 5 – June 20

9 pm : the jury decision : “Lithuanian law defines as motorway/highway roads with on-ramps, explicit logos, which are forbidden to bicycles. Not all A-roads are motorways, to our knowledge, the Marijampole – Kaunas section of the A5, Kaunas – Klaipėda section of the A1 are motorways and formally prohibited by the ST regulations, as well as all dual carriageways. We will monitor the sections used by the participants. Note: in Latvia, A-roads are simply national roads, not necessarily motorways. Again, to be studied when the time comes”.

7 pm : Organization asked jury decision about the ride on A5 road at the entrance of Lithuania.

1.45 pm : crash for Team Cyclable. Arnaud Roulland is safe, he repairs and be back on the road.

DAY 4 – June 19

9 pm : New Sun Trip Record for Jean-Marc Dubouloz, 448km on June 19th, from 6am to 9pm.

1.15 pm : The third, Patrick Tschigg, had a small accident. His bike is damaged and he cannot repair it. He announces his withdrawal. No injury.

1 pm : Philippe Passard decides to give up. Too many technical problems. He turns back to France.

12.45 pm : Technical problem for Sofia and Nicolas. Morning of repair and they turn back on the road.

DAY 3 – June 18

6 pm : Stéphane Bujadoux informes organisation that he fixed his trailer problem. He will restart tomorrow. He lost 10 places in the mishap!

10.45 am : The arbitration committee decides that there is no need to impose a deadline departure date for Raf Van Hulle. He will decide.

8.15 am : Raf Van Hulle (Team John Cockerill 1) is still out of action, ill after his Covid vaccination on 17 June and unable to return to the road at the moment. After participating in the official start on June 16, Raf had returned home to await his vaccination. The organisation decided to refer the matter to the arbitration committee for an opinion on this unprecedented situation, in order to determine whether or not there is a deadline to resume the adventure.

7.45 am : Philippe Passard (Team Electriciens sans frontière) informed the organisation of major technical difficulties. He is trying to repair this day.

3.45 am : Herman Segers informed the organisation of a collision with a car on 17 June at 12:30. His solar panel was damaged, but he tried to continue.

DAY 2 – June 17

9.15 pm : The organisation received several complaints from participants who were surprised to see other participants still moving on the GPS map. Explanations are given to calm down. When beacons are switched off during the day and the participant can only switch them on again at the evening bivouac, the GPS track continues to move forward after the 9pm driving time limit. Daily controls of the respect of the 6 apmm – 9 pm rule will be set up.

8 pm :Several participants reported problems with their beacon: Didier Vandenhoven (Team Enersol), Michel Bertet, Arnaud Roulland (Team Cyclable), Robert Lucas, Emil Barbut, Patrick Abrams. The organisation tries to help them to know how to use the beacon.

5.45 pm : The organisation calls the leader Jean-Marc Dubouloz to report on the GPS beacon failure that has occurred since mid-day. The participant gives his position and undertakes to put the beacon back in place in the evening. No investigation was opened against Jean-Marc, and his beacon was put back in place at the beginning of the evening.

2 pm : Dirk and Kris, Team Innoviris Brussels, had technical problems with Kris’ bike (whose trailer was changed at the last minute before the start). They lost several hours to make repairs at Kris’ home (located on the natural route of the project).

11.15 am : Raf Van Hulle informs the organisation that his GPS beacon is not working properly. It was changed by the technical team at 1pm that same day.

DAY 1 – June 16

2 pm: Official departure in Ixelles. 36 participants take the start of this 4th edition (26 teams).

12 pm : Start of the departure parade in the streets of Brussels.


Raf Van Hulle informes organisation that’s, after official departure, he will wait for a Covid vaccination plan on June 17th 2.45pm.

Patrick Boldt decides to leave the adventure on June 15th, because of a lastminute technical problem.

Arnaud Negrier arrived at 4.30PM on 15 June and missed the official briefing. His delay was due to technical problems. In view of the unintentional nature of the delay, the refereeing committee decided on a penalty of 24 hours added to his time on arrival in Lyon. Arnaud officially remained in the Sun Trip Europe.

Philippe Passard’s bike was checked for maximum speed. The technical team imposed a speed limit on his bike.




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