Sun Trip , Sun Trip: the world on solar bikes!

Statistics of the adventure

14.09.2021 - Bernard Cauquil
Bernard Cauquil Bernard Cauquil

The summary table and the complete day-to-day summary were made from the cross-referencing of the data collected :
– on my 2 Cycle Analysts (1 for the generator production and 1 for the consumption and solar production). Both were calibrated before departure.
– my GPS records
– data from the databox that could be used.
I am preparing a more detailed presentation with more explanations, especially in relation to the production of energy from my generator.
Using the data published by Jean-marc Dubouloz I had fun comparing the main values measured section by section:
– Consumption: unquestionable advantage VM Wav
– Solar energy production ratio: advantage Trike TiltDragonFly
– Average speed: advantage VM Wav
– Flat track performance: advantage VM Wav
– Performance on mountainous courses: advantage TiltDragonFly Trike
– Performance on hilly courses: equal

The detailed table with the complete data is available by following this link

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