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D38-40 : the best images

21.05.2024 - The Sun Trip
The Sun Trip The Sun Trip

DAY 41 <-> DAYS 36-37

Here is a collection of the best images from these 3 days of adventure, with some reactions.

Images of day 40 : 

A video review of Miguel Letor’s ascent of Tizi Ntest :

Vivien Dettwiler in the Spanish Pyrenees:

Vincent Lauga:I’m going as well as I want: I’ve mainly recharged the 2 batteries that were drained in Morocco in 2 days. I’m going to be able to use a bit more energy, especially tomorrow as there’s going to be a bit of a climb. My strategy now is to average 150km a day… without forcing myself. Despite the lack of solar recharging (panel problem?), I should be able to do it, and I’ll be taking naps to recharge too! I prefer good roads to trails that cut through the countryside (except this morning when I got caught out again by 5km of road in very poor condition)… the aim is not to risk damaging the equipment, which has already suffered a bit… I want to finish without breaking any equipment, so I might as well make sure, I’m not behind schedule and my objective is to arrive in Chambéry at the beginning of June”.

Luciano Trumpler loves the cycling routes of southern France:

Jean-Louis Mérelle in Spain: “Another pleasant day… A day as gentle as the road and the people we met. However, today there were no breathtaking panoramic views, just a landscape of rolling countryside where life is certainly good.” More on Polarstep.

Michael & Jiri finish off with the Moroccan mountains:

Miguel Letor in the desert section, with a few problems: “The heat isn’t too intense, and in the shade it’s fine. But I’ve got a problem with my rear tyre – an air bubble suddenly appeared. I need to find a solution”.

DAY 41 <-> DAYS 36-37

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