Sun Trip , Sun Trip: the world on solar bikes!

Patrice, the solo warrior

19.08.2021 - Patrice Plozner
Patrice Plozner Patrice Plozner
En Roumanie. Photo : Sophie Planque

Since his rocky separation with Jean-Louis Machado, in Romania, Patrice has put the turbo and has taken on many participants. Faster than ever, he is proud to show that his machine (built at home) is competitive!

By the same token he proves (if it were necessary…) that you can go fast and meet a lot of people at the same time. A few questions as L’aventurier solitaire crosses its last border, between Spain and France.

Can you tell us about your pace in this adventure?
With Jean-Louis we were averaging 160 km per day. Between Romania and Portugal I rode an average of 230 km per day. The Iberian part was superb, I loved it and I achieved my record: 324 km in one day! However, from Porto I slowed down a lot because the difference in altitude was very important and I had a big problem with a flat tire!

What surprised you the most in this Sun Trip?
The ease to cross the borders despite the situation of Covid… Otherwise Portugal, for its inhabitants and its landscapes. Fabulous!

How do you compare this Sun Trip Europe with your participation in the Sun Trip 2018?Just as adventurous. But in 2018 I turned back to Georgia, I did not experience the steppes of Kazakhstan or the harshness of China.

When do you expect to arrive in Lyon?
I understand that Silvia (my sister) and Christophe are arriving next Wednesday, so I will try to arrive at the same time as them!

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