Sun Trip , Sun Trip: the world on solar bikes!
Stéphane  Briel

Stéphane Briel

The solar bike of Stéphane

Conception Upright bike and AEVON suspended trailer fixed on the seatpost
Motor 2 front and rear wheel motors of 250 W and pedelec, 36 V installed by Ludotechnologies  
Solar SunPower back-contact cells 250 Wp exposed + 1 panel of 80 Wp exposed when stopped
Trailer Adjustable non-servo structure mounted on the trailer
Battery 1000 Wh in 36 V
7 years after my participation in the very first Sun Trip, I come back with a substantially similar device. The trailer is brand new. It is a design by Yannick Aspe, the "SunTripper Macgyver"!
Stéphane Briel

The Stéphane Myth!

Central character of the 2013 edition, in duet with his friend Stéphane Scotto di Cesare, Stéphane Briel has been remembered by many Sun Trip fans, for his humor and the short videos made throughout the adventure.

In 2013, the story wants him to finish the adventure without motor and without solar, with the added bonus of the public prize for the duet of Bretons. More information:

Since that moment Stéphane has always kept a great interest in the journey by solar bike, by multiplying projects, in particular Ukraine in 2017 with his friend Ifig.

For this summer of 2020, he comes back to see us for part of the Sun Trip France!

En photos

En vidéos

A selection of the masterpiece:





Interview in 2017 :

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