Sun Trip , Sun Trip: the world on solar bikes!
Michael Polák

Michael Polák

Age 51 years
Nationality Cezch Republic

The solar bike of Michael

Motor 1000W direct drive, regen braking possible, sine wave controller
Batery 21Ah Li-Ion battery, rated 30 A, configured as 25 A, built in BMS
Solar 3x flexible 150 Wp, ETFE coating (teflon), connected in parallel
Weight 70 kg
2-wheel recumbent with aerodynamic cargo box. 1x 21 Ah battery, 1x 1000 W motor in front wheel, 450 Wp solar roof panel + front panel, step-up to 48V, top speed ~40 km/h, ~70 kg empty.
Michael Polák

About Michael

Geek. Ex-programmer, ex-musician, ex-politicial activist, ex-cargobiker. Internet service provider, tourist and backpacker. Decentralized social networks and renewable energy enthusiast.

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His motivations for 2024

Most Czechs are climate change deniers and also sceptical about renewable energies, so I am seeking fun and cool way to communicate the situation and possibilities. I want to generate some content for decentralized social network Mastodon (part of Fediverse). I want to showcase our solar bike design (which is closer to solar motorcycle) and also promote the cargo bike frame design we used as chassis (with Jirka Štrupl). I like to travel and spend time alone in nature. Never before visited Africa. And I would also like to race a little.

Few pics

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