Sun Trip , Sun Trip: the world on solar bikes!
Maxence Pioteyry

Maxence Pioteyry

Age 29 years
Nationality French

The solar bike of Maxence

Type Upright bike and trailer
Motor Front wheel: Crystalyte HT3525
Battery 2 48 V 11,6 Ah Li Mn batteries
Solar 3 x 116W + 170W stationary
To travel around France this summer, I will use the bicycle as well as the solar installation which was to lead me on more distant roads. The bike is a homemade assembly around a Genesis VAGABOND steel frame, and a direct drive motor on the front wheel. The TZC Globetrotter trailer accommodates 3 Solbian 116W solar panels as well as a SunPower 170W panel unfolded when stationary.
Maxence Pioteyry

Succession: Next Generation

Maxence discovered the Sun Trip through the participation of some of his colleagues at EDF, and finally decided to take the plunge.

He notably found the help of Olivier Reginensi, in the Vercors, to create his bike. Maxence will be one of the youngest participants of the Sun Trip 2021 and will participate in the entire Sun Trip France 2020.

His Vision of the Sun Trip

“The Sun Trip represents for me several adventures. Technical, with the mounting of this bike and the solar installation, two areas where I learned a lot during this phase of preparation, thanks to the mutual help around this funny project, whichpromises to be human and sporty, with the discovery or rediscovery of magnificent regions: adventure at your home doorstep!

Traveling on a solar bike means going faster and further with complete energy independence, a very topical subject… Enough to broaden the horizons of cycle tourism, which attracts me so much!”

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