Sun Trip , Sun Trip: the world on solar bikes!
Jean-Claude  Trouche

Jean-Claude Trouche

Nationality French

The solar bike of Jean-Claude

Type Recumbent bike.
Motor Grintech GH-0114.
Battery 48 V 1 kWh
Solar Déclic-Eco 360 Wc solar generator
Weight 50
Azub Six Recumbent Bike. Front wheel 20" Grintech GH-0114 motor. Rear wheel 26" fitted with an Enviolo variator (Nu Vinci)
Jean-Claude Trouche

A Profile Well in Line with the Values of the Sun Trip

Jean-Claude has broken in the 2019 edition of the Sun Trip Tour. Equipped with a mountain bike and an AEVON solar trailer on which he had adapted the electro-solar system, he learned from this first experience of solar cycling lessons that allowed him to consider a longer adventure.

He could not be present on the 2022 edition because of health concerns, but he is coming back in force for 2023!

In Images

His Vision of the Sun trip

I built my first electric bike to go to work 15 years ago. When I was 60 my knee joints became more painful, I built a second more powerful bike bringing me more pedaling assistance. In 2018, I witnessed the start of the Suntrip 2018 in amazement. I realized that the electric bike could be a superb traveling machine thanks to the sun, to meet people to promote an environmentally friendly mode of travel. I participated in the Suntrip Tour 2019 and registered by following in Suntrip 2020. My current Azub Six was intended for SunTrip 2020, canceled due to Corona virus. It is only part postponed in 2021. My enthusiasm is intact and I will be there.

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