Sun Trip , Sun Trip: the world on solar bikes!
Gilles  Andrea

Gilles Andrea

Age 64 years
Nationality French




The solar bike of Gilles

Motor Bafang BBS02B 36V
Battery Déclic-Eco Li-Mn 36V 21Ah
Solar 240 Wc
The design of the bike is simple. It’s a classic travel bike, with a Surly steel frame, and components that I’ve chosen and mostly assembled myself. The motorization is entrusted to a Bafang pedal motor. The battery is installed in a rear bag. The solar is installed on a trailer. For the 2019 STT, the 240 Wp panels were installed on a Bob Yak single wheel trailer. In 2020, for the Sun Trip in France, the panels are mounted on a two-wheel trailer Carry Freedom Y Large. Thanks to Guillaume de Déclic-Eco for his precious advice.
Gilles Andrea

Back on the Sun Trip

Living between Bordeaux and the Paris region, Gilles is a mechanical engineer by training. He has spent his entire career in the field of drinking water and sanitation, closely linked to environmental protection issues.

By participating in the Sun Trip Tour 2019, he wanted to live his passion for travel and prove that the (solar) bike is more than ever a mode of travel for the future.

He is back to continue the adventure, all around this Sun Trip France 2020.

In Images

On Video

His Vision of the Sun Trip

The Sun Trip is:

– A technical and sporting adventure

– The meeting of enthusiasts

– The pleasure of travel and discovery by bike

– The demonstration that we can go relatively fast and far by consuming very little (if any) energy

– Strong and unforgettable moments

– And many other things

come and test it out!

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