Sun Trip , Sun Trip: the world on solar bikes!
Géry  Gevers

Géry Gevers

Age 55 years
Nationality Belgian

The solar bike of Géry

Bike Hase bike pino all round frame
Motor HS 3540 rear wheel motor from crystalyte europe
Battery 2x 23 Ah - 48Volts
Solar 2 x 200 Wc
Weight 42
Solar bike made from a tandem series bike from the Hase bike brand (Pino - All round model), electrified with robust and simple components (supplier crystalyte Europe), based on the recommendations of Raf van Hulle (multi winner of the sun trip) and help from the preparer "Het Fietslab" in Leuven - Belgium. The trailer is of the single wheel type (to allow to evolve on single tracks) with solar panels fixed very low (to avoid disturbances due to winds and turbulence due to overtaking of trucks). These are superimposed (in taxi mode) or unfolded (in stop-recharge mode).
Géry Gevers

Solo Before Duo

Géry is the co-founder of bay2bay. With his friend Baudouin de Hemptinne, they planned to cross the USA from San Francisco to New York in solar tandem this summer 2020! The crisis changed the game and Géry will be at the start of the Sun Trip France, pending a possible participation of the duo on the Sun Trip Lyon-Canton 2021.

Géry Gevers is an engineer, member of the management of a company manufacturing medical devices for the treatment of cancer. He is also the father of three children. Convinced that it is possible to build a better world, more just for humanity and more sustainable for the planet, he sees the Sun Trip as a natural extension of his commitment.

In Images

His Partners

His Vision of the Sun Trip

“Sun Trip is first of all a human adventure, made up of people sharing common values such as the desire to discover, to share, to surpass themselves mentally and physically, to support each other in order to arrive together at the finish line. It is also a technological adventure allowing to show the world that today, carbon-free mobility is possible, that it is enough of a little daring and to focus a little more its philosophy of life around of happy frugality.”

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