Sun Trip , Sun Trip: the world on solar bikes!
Dirk & Kris

Dirk & Kris

Team Innoviris

A duo of friends !

Kris and Dirk have known each other for a long time through their interest in bike travel.

For this edition of the Sun Trip 2021 in Europe they hope to have the same pace and ride the same number of kms per day. That’s why they are forming a tight team this year!

Above all, they want to enjoy the route, the encounters on the road, the chance events…
So it won’t be a race against time. That’s why they will be part of the ambassadors’ group and will enjoy the group moments at the 5 checkpoints.

Website : and

Team Innoviris

The pair is very pleased to be supported this year by Innoviris, the Brussels-Capital Region’s institute for the promotion of scientific research and innovation. It supports and finances the research and development policy of the Brussels Region.

Brussels, capital of Belgium and Europe!

The legendary Dirk!

Dirk has a special place in the history of the Sun Trip. He is one of the few adventurers to have taken part in, and finished, the three “big” Sun Trips, in 2013, 2015 and 2018! He will be there for the 4th edition in 2021!

In 2013 he finished without a solar panel after a fire in his trailer, in 2015 he participated in duo with his friend Jan and in 2018 he finished the adventure in 77 days, in 9th position. On the Lyon-Canton 2018 Dirk rode with his friend Peter on the first part, then with the Swiss Daniel Jenni on the Chinese part.

Dirk is one of the “wise men” of the Sun Trip, and will be part of the Sun Trip Tour organisation team in 2019.

Dirk’s bike

Vélo SANTOS – Travelmaster 3+
Moteur CrystalyteBatterie 48 Volt – 20 Amp
Solaire 300 Watt – soutenu par PROJECT-ZERO

Kris Wuyts, in the Belgian tradition!

Kris is a true traveller, he knows Europe and has already completed a cycling adventure from Belgium to Stockholm and back.

He has been following the SunTrip for four years, and he was convinced!

“I had the opportunity to meet Dirk Huyghe and Raf Van Hulle, and for this edition of the Sun Trip Europe, I thought it was time for me to join them! “

Welcome to the 12th Belgian registered for this 2021 edition!

Kris' bike project

I chose a Santos Travelmaster 2.6 with a Chrystalyte motor.

Together with some good tech friends, we developed a one-wheeled trailer that can carry 2 square meters of solar cells.

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