Sun Trip , Sun Trip: the world on solar bikes!
Arnaud Roulland

Arnaud Roulland

Team Cyclable
Nationality French

The solar bike of Arnaud

Bike Cargo from Chez Douze Cycles
Motor RH212 phaserunner
Solar 360Wc
The bike that prefigures participation as a Cycling Team. Assembled by Declic-eco. Classic RH212 phaserunner motorization, 360Wp of panels, mounting of an electric orientation system on the handlebars, custom-made frame bag ByMarion & Quentin for batteries.
Arnaud Roulland

A Star in the Making?

Discreet but applied, during his participation in the 2019 Sun Trip Tour, Arnaud is slowly preparing for the 2021 goal, where he will certainly be noticed.

Arnaud is French and works in Germany, in Karlsruhe.

An R&D engineer, he works on the production of hydrogen from renewable energies to decarbonize the transport and industrial sectors.

From an early age, Arnaud made daily trips by bicycle. The seven years spent in Germany gave him a taste for adventure. Since then, he often goes to relax in the Vosges or in the Black Forest after work.

he participates in the colors of the Cyclable network, official team partner.

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