Sun Trip , Sun Trip: the world on solar bikes!
Antoine Conort

Antoine Conort

Age 39 years
Nationality French

The solar bike of Antoine

Type Decathlon Riverside 500 with single-wheel trailer
Motor Bafang BBS01 250W 36V
Battery OZO Cadre 36V 14Ah (approx 500Wh)
Solar Sunpower 170wc
Weight 45
My solar bike is built around a public hybrid bike with a pedal motor and a battery on the frame. It pulls an entry-level single-wheel trailer with a manually adjustable solar panel.
Antoine Conort

Part of the Newcomers

Part of the Pirineos Sun Trip (postponed due to virus), Antoine will discover the Sun Trip during the prologue and legs 1 and 2 of the Sun Trip France, from Lyon to Saint-Malo.

His Vision of the Sun Trip

“What attracted me to the Sun Trip is the human, sporting and technological side of this adventure. Discovering others, discussing, seeing, exchanging, this is what the speed, the softness and the silence of the trip allow. I am not a big sportsman and on bad weather days it will be visible when I need to convince myself on my slightly light solar bike. I have always been interested in energy production, especially electric , because it’s the key to our world today. I don’t want to be a lesson giver, just show by making the next world possible without it being sad.”

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