Our bikes are finsihed!
On 25th of April we teared down the protecion film from the solar panels of our bikes. We used them quite a lot to go to work and also for some daytrips we used them. We are both happy how they behave on the road. Also higher speeds are easy.
The last couple month were loaded with work. We made almost everything ourselves. Eg. the wiring and programming of the motor controller, the luggage boxes, lights, the kickstand and even one of the windshields.
What we still have to do, is to load all luggage for once. Find a suitable bottle as a smartphone holder for Sibylle and rebuild the broken DC/DC for powering the Laptop. And change the MTB tires to road ones.
one month to go! Lyon is awaiting! 😉
1 Comment
ihr sid geili sieche, absolut spitze. i wot nächscht jahr ou mit mache mit mim junior. wo mäudet meh sech da ah? finde nüt.
liebi grüess u eh tolli reis mit viu erläbniss.
tom, tim und familie