Sun Trip , Sun Trip: the world on solar bikes!


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We are ready! We are ready!
06.06.21 - Primin Butler
The last work and tests on the bike are finished. We are ready! On Friday we handed over the bike to our logistics partner who will drive it to Belgiu...
1 comment Last minute resistance Last minute resistance
04.06.21 - Sebastian MEYER
Wie einige von euch jetzt vielleicht werden, habe ich mich ziemlich in letzter Minute für Suntrip-Standards dem Wettbewerb angeschlossen. Ich habe mei...
How to get out of Lyon by solar bike How to get out of Lyon by solar bike
02.06.21 - The Sun Trip
This is the Sun Trip way ;) Thanks Lyon.
Prologue departure in Lyon! Prologue departure in Lyon!
01.06.21 - The Sun Trip
The Lyon-Brussels prologue is launched! The solar bikes were welcomed this morning at Lyon City Hall by the Mayor Grégory Doucet, the Vice President o...
Huttopia accueille prologue Huttopia accueille prologue
31.05.21 - The Sun Trip
The Lyon-based Huttopia group is hosting the prologue to Sun Trip Europe, with three stages organised in the CityKamp establishments of Lyon (30/31 Ma...
Aktid official partner Aktid official partner
28.05.21 - The Sun Trip
The first event linked to the Sun Trip Europe 2021 was the presentation, in Savoie, of the Aktid team led by the champion Bernard Cauquil! This jersey...
Change of the bike for the Sun Trip Change of the bike for the Sun Trip
26.05.21 - Ralf Lewien
I have to say good bye to this white beauty for several weeks. [gallery link="file" size="medium" ids="11313"] My plan was to ride it at  the Sun Trip...
velo work in progress velo work in progress
20.05.21 - Emil Barbut
It all looks way behind the schedule, and under-designed, but it looks promising. Used 0.7mm 304 stainless steel brackets. I suspect they will fail in...
The construction of the Velosolar-bicycles The construction of the Velosolar-bicycles
17.05.21 - Primin Butler
There is still a lot to do before the start on 15 June. But our Omnium bikes are ready and ride great. Here's a little insight into what went on durin...
Financement participatif et modifications du vélo Financement participatif et modifications du vélo
10.05.21 - Didier Vandenhove
Hello! Voici quelques nouvelles de mon projet. Histoire de financer ma participation, j'ai lancé une campagne de crowdfunding sur Kisskissbangbang. Vo...
Breizh Sun Trip 2021 ! Breizh Sun Trip 2021 !
10.05.21 - The Sun Trip
The first edition of the "Breizh Sun Trip" is currently being prepared, a new regional edition of the Sun Trip imagined around Brittany from 27 June t...
Prologue Lyon-Brussels Prologue Lyon-Brussels
06.05.21 - The Sun Trip
It will be the longest prologue ever organised on a Sun Trip, with a course of more than 1000 km, planned over 12 days between Lyon, Wallonia and Brus...
«En Benur Simone» part of the prologue ! «En Benur Simone» part of the prologue !
04.05.21 - The Sun Trip
Incredible story in sight! "En Benur Simone !"A group of able-bodied and disabled people will take part in the prologue to the Sun Trip 2021, from 1 t...
Mon vélo est (presque) prêt Mon vélo est (presque) prêt
28.04.21 - Robert Lucas
Ce vélo a une histoire. C'est un VTT (Gary Fisher) acheté au Chili en 2008. Il a voyagé en Patagonie jusqu'à Ushuaia. Puis je l'ai emmené en Islande e...
1 comment Our bikes are finsihed! Our bikes are finsihed!
26.04.21 - Daniel Jenni
Our bikes are finsihed! On 25th of April we teared down the protecion film from the solar panels of our bikes. We used them quite a lot to go to work...
Sophie & Jérémy : our reporters! Sophie & Jérémy : our reporters!
23.04.21 - The Sun Trip
The organisation of the Sun Trip Europe is being finalised, depending on the uncertainties of the moment. The good news of the moment is the officiali...
Sofia & Nicolas: back in action! Sofia & Nicolas: back in action!
14.04.21 - Sofia et Nicolas
Sofia and Nicolas, a young Franco-Moroccan couple on their way to the 2021 edition. They rode 1235 km in a solar tandem during the summer of 2020, fro...
Préparation du Sun Trip Europe Préparation du Sun Trip Europe
12.04.21 - Stéphane Bujadoux
Fin mars, j’ai profité d’une période de plein soleil pour remettre en route mon vélo solaire. J'ai pu réaliser 3 sorties avant le confinement, avec pl...
Géry & Baudouin : the Belgian friends Géry & Baudouin : the Belgian friends
The one (Géry Gevers) lives in Belgium and has already been on the road for Sun Trip France in 2020, where he received the the special jury award. The...
Stelvio : a checkpoint on the top! Stelvio : a checkpoint on the top!
31.03.21 - The Sun Trip
The Stelvio Pass, 2758m, is one of two high mountain checkpoints in the Sun Trip Europe 2021 project, the other will be the climb to Pico Velata (3398...

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