Sun Trip , Sun Trip: the world on solar bikes!


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Bulgarie - Serbie - Croatie - Slovénie Bulgarie - Serbie - Croatie - Slovénie
29.07.21 - Didier Vandenhove
Hello! Me revoici avec quelques photos à vous partager :) La Bulgarie ne m'a pas vraiment marqué, à part le total dépaysement. On n'a plus l'impressio...
Mon Sun Trip 2021 en quelques chiffres Mon Sun Trip 2021 en quelques chiffres
28.07.21 - Bernard Cauquil
TiltDragonFly, la première "Tricyclette" à franchir la barre des 300 Km par jour sur le parcours d'un The Sun Trip. La première fois aussi qu'un tricy...
Michel Bertet : discreet but 5th ! Michel Bertet : discreet but 5th !
27.07.21 - Michel Bertet
A discreet man by nature, Michel Bertet is no less fast. So, after 40 days of adventure, he is in 5th place in the solar challenge. He has participate...
Rencontre solaire à Ljublajana Rencontre solaire à Ljublajana
26.07.21 - Stéphane Bujadoux
A peine arrivés à Ljubljana, nous faisons une rencontre incroyable ! Nous déjeunons dans le jardin de notre guesthouse. Du balcon voisin, un homme nou...
Hongrie - Roumanie Hongrie - Roumanie
19.07.21 - Didier Vandenhove
Direction le deuxième checkpoint! Comme pour beaucoup de pays, mon trajet en Hongrie s'est limité à une nuit. Par contre je serai resté une semaine en...
Lituanie - Pologne - Slovaquie Lituanie - Pologne - Slovaquie
10.07.21 - Didier Vandenhove
Je continue à avancer dans mon périple, et les photos aussi :) Je ne suis resté que 2 jours en Lituanie, mais j'y ai fait de très belles rencontres. N...
Let's go Baudouin & Géry! Let's go Baudouin & Géry!
30.06.21 - Gery Gevers
Arrived in Riga on June 24th, the two Belgian friends of the John Cockerill team continue their journey and are now in 6th position in the race to the...
Arrival in Riga 28.June 14:10 Arrival in Riga 28.June 14:10
28.06.21 - Daniel Jenni
We arrived in Riga. Its the first day of full sun since Germany. But we can't complain... eigther we had good shelter or no rain when others had a flo...
Belgium - Netherlands - Germany - Denmark Belgium - Netherlands - Germany - Denmark
25.06.21 - Didier Vandenhove
2nd article of this series, now we get to the heart of the matter. You'll find here the pictures I take with my digital camera when I'm driving, my ph...
Stéphane: the all-rounder! Stéphane: the all-rounder!
22.06.21 - Stéphane Bujadoux
  Stéphane Bujadoux is undeniably one of the most versatile participants, capable of going fast, in 100% solar energy, but also of taking the tim...
From Bruxelles to Island Usedom From Bruxelles to Island Usedom
21.06.21 - Daniel Jenni
Hello It is 5 Days since the start now and we just crossed the German / Polish border. Our wild Camp we just set up in a small forest 100m from the se...
First week First week
20.06.21 - Didier Vandenhove
This is the first article of this series. I publish a lot of pictures on my facebook page, the ones posted here will be a bit different. I still have...
We are in the game! We are in the game!
They had never had any real experience of bike travel, they had no clear strategy, but here they are... the two cousins are in the game! To their grea...
Bernard : "It's a very fast pace!" Bernard : "It's a very fast pace!"
19.06.21 - Bernard Cauquil
The 2015 Sun Trip champion is putting up a fight! Bernard Cauquil (Team Aktid) is almost able to follow the pace of the 3 fastest velomobiles. He is i...
"Up to 200km a day" "Up to 200km a day"
18.06.21 - Primin Butler
Here some smiles 😁 First feedback by Alessandra & Pirmin : "All good, easy first day to watch the game. Now we're happy that we're able to do 200k...
Amazing departure Amazing departure
16.06.21 - The Sun Trip
A dream day for the Sun Trip, between the Grand Place, the European Commission and Ixelles, all under a blazing sun! The participants were welcomed by...
3 comments 2021 : Sun Trip Europe! 2021 : Sun Trip Europe!
13.06.21 - The Sun Trip
The 4th edition of The Sun Trip adventure will be European! 10,000 km of free riding, with 5 checkpoints to be respected by the 40 participants. Gener...
Prologue Lyon-Brussels : best-of Prologue Lyon-Brussels : best-of
13.06.21 - The Sun Trip
Below is a selection of the best images from the Sun Trip Europe prologue, between Lyon, Wallonia and Brussels! An epic travel, in the french nature,...
Wallonia welcomes The Sun Trip Wallonia welcomes The Sun Trip
11.06.21 - The Sun Trip
From Enersol's to John Cockerill's headquarters, with a police escort from Liège to Seraing, Wallonia welcomes the Sun Trip! This day was a highlight...
Ralf : ready to go! Ralf : ready to go!
08.06.21 - Ralf Lewien
The last preparations are nearly finished. I will start on Tuesday or Wednesday in the south of Munich to head towards Brussels or catch up the last E...

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