Sun Trip , Sun Trip: the world on solar bikes!


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Sun Trip Alpes 2022 : the route Sun Trip Alpes 2022 : the route
05.06.22 - The Sun Trip
Discover the beauty of the Alps! After Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Corsica and Brittany, the Sun Trip is launching a new region...
Sun Trip California Sun Trip California
29.05.22 - The Sun Trip
From May 31 to June 5, follow the news of the "Californian Sun Trip Meeting", an event imagined to launch the dynamics of the Sun Trip in America. The...
Solar bikes 2022 Solar bikes 2022
24.05.22 - The Sun Trip
As the big start approaches, here are some of the 40 solar-powered bikes that will be riding over the Alps for 2500km! A freedom of design for the par...
The Zeppelin agency on board with VanAway! The Zeppelin agency on board with VanAway!
11.05.22 - The Sun Trip
By our side since 2018, the Zeppelin Agency 📸🎥will follow us again to immortalise this beautiful 2022 Alpine edition! Each day they will film the high...
GIANT Innovation Campus - Official departure partner GIANT Innovation Campus - Official departure partner
06.05.22 - The Sun Trip
It is with great enthusiasm that we present to you GIANT campus Innovation in Grenoble as an official partner for the start of the Sun Trip Alpes 2022...
The partners The partners
06.04.22 - The Sun Trip
We warmly thank all the partners who are following us on this new 100% alps edition! Some are part of our founding partners, others are joining us. Al...
Sun Trip 2021 : film Sun Trip 2021 : film
04.12.21 - The Sun Trip
Sophie Planque, TV journalist and video photographer based in Savoie, signs the film of the Sun Trip Europe 2021, the 4th international edition of our...
Sun Trip Europe, on JT 19-20 on France 3 Bourgogne Sun Trip Europe, on JT 19-20 on France 3 Bourgogne
22.09.21 - Stéphane Bujadoux
Congratulations to Stéphane Bujadoux for his appearance on September 21, 2021 on the France 3 Bourgogne news channel! A nice summary of the channel wh...
Interview with the reporters, Sophie and Jérémy Interview with the reporters, Sophie and Jérémy
They are the eyes of the Sun Trip on this European edition 2021, Sophie Planque and Jérémy Vaugeois, journalist, image taker, experienced travellers (...
Overview of ST Europe Overview of ST Europe
18.09.21 - The Sun Trip
[embed][/embed] Map replay An essential tool for following the adventure, the live map has been the most successful this y...
Sun Trip Europe : classifications Sun Trip Europe : classifications
15.09.21 - The Sun Trip
All the rankings of the Sun Trip Europe challenges are now known! Beyond the famous solar challenge, which rewards the adventurer of the fastest compl...
Statistics of the adventure Statistics of the adventure
14.09.21 - Bernard Cauquil
The summary table and the complete day-to-day summary were made from the cross-referencing of the data collected : - on my 2 Cycle Analysts (1 for the...
The data of Emil Barbut The data of Emil Barbut
14.09.21 - Emil Barbut
  Despite some inaccuracies linked to the data box, here is a table summarising various interesting data on Emil's adventure. As a reminder, he i...
Our Sun Trip in figures Our Sun Trip in figures
14.09.21 - Daniel Jenni
It's been a while since we came back from our 11185 km trip through Europe. So I'd like to look back at our numbers. I'm only looking at the period fr...
Analysis of the leaders routes Analysis of the leaders routes
14.09.21 - The Sun Trip
The translation of this post was made automatically with The chase between Jean-Marc Dubouloz, Emil Barbut and Bernard Cauquil was certainl...
Relive the adventure on a map Relive the adventure on a map
14.09.21 - The Sun Trip
Here are two tools that will allow you to trace the itinerary of all participants. They are calculated from the starting point in Brussels, for a comp...
The best photos ST Europe The best photos ST Europe
14.09.21 - The Sun Trip
For two months Sophie Planque and Jérémy Vaugeois followed the participants of the Sun Trip Europe, with the objective of making videos for the Europe...
Sun Trip Europe : video reports Sun Trip Europe : video reports
14.09.21 - The Sun Trip
From mid-June to the beginning of August, watch a series of 7 videos to tell the story of the adventure and talk about Europe! These videos are produc...
STE21 : daily news STE21 : daily news
14.09.21 - The Sun Trip
Because things happens every day on the Sun Trip route, here you will find a summary of the big and small news of the SunTrippers, the organisation mo...
Stage 5 : Pico de veleta - Porto Stage 5 : Pico de veleta - Porto
14.09.21 - The Sun Trip
14 July After the Baltic Sea, the Black Sea, the Alps, the Sierra Nevada, here is the Atlantic Ocean, all in less than 28 days! Porto is the most west...

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