Sun Trip , Sun Trip: the world on solar bikes!
The Sun Trip The Solar Bike Adventure
Adventurers on solar bikes choosing their course through Eurasia. Inspired by unassisted yacht races around the world, the Sun Trip is writing a new page in the world of overland adventures.

The Sun Trip is a showcase for new forms of mobility. Each adventurer is an ambassador of solar energy and eco-mobility, proving their efficiency and their humanist dimension.
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Solar bike providers: Solarmove & Solarwind

04.08.2022 - The Sun Trip
The Sun Trip The Sun Trip

Through this article, we wanted to highlight the work of two actors involved in the manufacture of solar trailers, used by our Suntrippers.


Here is the testimony of Raf Van Hulle, historical participant of the project:

” Exactly four years ago I arrived exhausted in China to win the legendary Sun Trip 2018. 12,000 km in 42 days, over mountains and deserts, battling wind and heat. I look back on that adventure with great pride and gratitude to my friends and sponsors who helped make this possible.

In the years that followed, we did not sit still. We started working with the same team and today can announce the new SolarWind2.
This is a lightweight, robust monowheel trailer fitted with solar panels, that takes bikepacking to the next level! Based on years of practical experience, it harnesses the sun’s energy to help carry luggage and double your cycling distance each day. It’s like a solar wind in your back!
They are carefully welded and built by a craftsman in Belgium in batches of five units and will soon be available for purchase. If you are interested or would like more information, please email


Focus now on SolarMoov, formerly known as Sun Travel! As an essential partner of the Sun Trip for the participants, a new page has been opened to imagine new solutions for the general public in terms of solar bikes (for purchase or rental).

Jean-Marc Quéau is joining the adventure to give SolarMoov a new impetus, with the support of Guillaume Devot, who remains a founding partner, and with many new ideas and projects to come!, Discover the world differently, without constraints!

” Have you ever dreamed of travelling thousands of kilometres by electric bicycle in total autonomy without ever recharging from the mains? It’s possible with SolarMoov trailers!

We offer a range of 4 sizes of high-efficiency panels to suit your needs. Aim for complete autonomy with the 250Wp or 260Wp configurations, and double your autonomy with the 135Wp or 150Wp panels (for a 500Wh battery) in favourable sunlight conditions. ”

Long live SolarMoov !


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